In the first, select a language from "Language"
list box in "Voice selection" frame. Then you'll decide
who speak the language you selected. Choose an engine between "SAPI
4" and "SAPI 5". SAPI 5 is the newest standard which
Microsoft releases. You may select it first. Then choose a voice
from the list on the left side of "Preview" button. If
you can't decide which voice can speak the current language you
selected, you can check the box "Only show voices can speak
the selected language". However, sometimes the voices who can
speak the language don't appear in the list. When above steps are
done, Press "Preview" button to preview the voice. If
you don't hear the voice, maybe something wrong. In this case, you
may check you audio device first.
If SAPI 4 or SAPI 5 engine is not installed in your computer, the
radio button is disabled. You may download one. It's free.
In the "Parameter" frame, you can adjust the default
rate and volume. SAPI 4 doesn't support volume, so just left it there.
You can repeat the steps above to set the settings of other languages. |