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ImTOO YouTube to DVD Converter FAQ

Windows Version
Q1: What are the system requirements to run ImTOO YouTube to DVD Converter?

Q2: Where can I download ImTOO YouTube to DVD Converter?

Q3: How to register after I got my license code?

Q4: How do I get started with ImTOO YouTube to DVD Converter?

Q5: What does ‘New Download’ button on the toolbar mean?

Q6: Your webpage says that this program can download YouTube HD videos. How to do that?

Q7: What can I do by using ‘Start Type’ option in ‘Tools > Settings > Task’?

Q8: I tried to log on YouTube in the embedded browser of your program, but failed. Why?

Q9: How to drag a video into the ImTOO YouTube to DVD Converter to download while I'm watching it?

Q10: I found that some small video miniature on YouTube site cannot be dragged. Why? And how to do it?

Q11: Where is my output file? And how to set the output folder in ImTOO YouTube to DVD Converter?

Q12: How to set the number of the task that could be running at one time?

Q13: How to get rid of the unwanted video parts in the output DVD?

Q14: If I want to crop certain part of the frame, what should I do?

Q15: If I want to keep the original video’s aspect ratio ‘16:9’, how could I do?

Q16: May I add some artistic effect to the videos that I want to burn to DVD, like oil painting?

Q17: Is it possible to add text or image watermarks to output DVD? How should I do?

Q18: How to add soundtrack files to my DVD file with your program?

Q19: How to add subtitle files into the output DVD?

Q20: I want to check the editing effect in real time, what shall I do?

Q21: Besides DVD disc, can I get an ISO file with your program? And how?

Q22: I don’t need chapters below each title in the output DVD, what could I do?

Q23: I noticed that there is an area above the preview panel that shows some information about the output DVD. But I cannot modify them there. How should I do?

Q24: Is it possible to customize the name of the output DVD?

Q25: How can I know the exact output size before creating?

Q26: Why I was told the burning cannot be finished because there is not enough free space on my 4.7GB DVD disc since I just load totally 3GB files?

Q27: Is it possible to adjust the sequence of the loaded videos?

Q28: What does ‘Temporary Files’ mean?

Q29: Why ImTOO YouTube to DVD Converter told me there's not enough disc space for temp files after I click the red burn button? And how to correct it?

Q30: What does ‘DVD Folder’ mean?

Q31: The created DVD is playable well by certain player on my PC, but failed to be played on my DVD Player. Why?

Q32: My original video is in 16:9. But after burning, I got 4:3. How can I correct it?

Q33: Is it possible to improve the final burning quality?

Q34: What does ‘Menu’ on the top right mean?

Q35: How to customize the menu of the output DVD?

Q36: What does ‘Menu Thumbnail’ mean?

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